Πωλείται Fuji GS645s Exc++
#agoused #fujigs645s
The Fuji GS645 series of compact rangefinders was available with fixed lenses of various focal lengths. They took 120 and 220 film and were known for very sharp lenses which, in the case of the S and W versions, were protected by a circular “cow bar”.
- Fuji GS645 (folding body, 75mm lens)
- Fuji GS645S (standard 60mm, equivalent to 35mm. The body says “WIDE60”)
- Fuji GS645W (true wide 45mm, roughly equivalent to 28mm on a 35mm camera.)
πηγή = φωτογράφος
Τηλέφωνο : (ΑΓΚΟΠΙΑΝ) 6944415375